Frequently asked questions.

General Questions

Is this program available in Europe, Africa, Asia, or Oceania?

Yes, it is available anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer, an internet connection, and you understand and speak English.

Do you have a Facebook group that we could access?

Yes. It is located here: Remote Coding Bootcamp. Feel free to join and ask questions in the group. Occasionally other students and even our senior developers/engineers will ask or answer questions in this group to provided additional assistance.

I have no experience in coding, is this program for me?

This program is designed for beginners with no prior coding experience. As programming and AI become essential across careers, demand for skilled workers exceeds supply. These fields offer career mobility, flexibility, and job security.

Can a 16-year-old do this program and get the same benefits?

A 16-year-old qualifies for this program and will receive the same support as other participants. Compliance with employment laws is essential, so the country of citizenship must be disclosed to evaluate employment prospects. Should they be ineligible for employment, the freelancing component of Module 4 may be undertaken as an unpaid internship.

Is it possible to fail your program in any way?

The program does not have a time limit for completion, and you may retake exams if necessary. Therefore, the only way to fail is to quit. However, the fee covers only one year of access to the software needed for Modules 1-3. If these are not completed within 12 months, you will need to purchase an extension to access the software and finish the program.

What happens if a student doesn’t finish the program within 1 year?

After the initial $497 fee, if a student doesn't complete Module 3 of the program within 1 year they could extend the training software for an additional year for $299. This price is dependent on the price of the training software package at the time of renewal, however (so it could increase, but that is an external vendor which we have no control over).

What equipment do I need for this program?

A desktop or laptop computer is required. Our program and the training programs that we utilize work best on newer browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. Using a tablet (iPad, Amazon Fire, etc) might present issues because our web application is only available for desktop or laptop computers.

I've only done labor type jobs. Can this program help me?

Labor-intensive jobs build skills like attention to detail, problem-solving, and adaptability. Transitioning to programming is achievable with dedication, akin to building a house requiring planning and precision. Writing code involves structuring logic and fixing errors. Patience and leveraging your diverse skill set can lead to success in programming.

Are coding careers good options for individuals with diverse abilities?

Absolutely! A remote coding career offers flexibility, comfort, and accessibility, making it ideal for individuals with diverse abilities. Our bootcamp supports your journey with tailored resources, empowering you to thrive in a dynamic tech industry. Join us and unlock your full potential!

Is the total cost $497? Or does each module have its own costs?

We charge you only for the annual costs of the software programs required, which is $497. There are no other costs based on the way we've designed this program. As there are undoubtedly some other costs associated with professional certifications and such, those are absorbed by our partner companies during your paid freelancing in Module 4 (those costs are covered/included in the setup, so you'll never even notice them).

Do you offer tutors and/or mentors for students?

Yes, the Pro option offer access to a couple of mentorship communities to help you with various needs throughout the program. They volunteer their own time to assist when available. Additionally, the Mentored option offers a dedicated personalized mentor that would be more focused on you as a client. These mentors all have over 10 years of coding experience.

Does age present a problem when looking for programming jobs?

Age brings valuable experience, and established companies appreciate your skills, like project management and specialized expertise. Focus on inclusive workplaces, stay current with tech trends, and actively network. The rise of remote work offers more opportunities than ever. With your experience and a commitment to continuous learning, the tech industry is full of exciting possibilities for you!

Are there any specific "hours of operation"?

The program is tailored for utmost flexibility. Training is entirely self-directed, with no set hours of operation, allowing you to learn at any time—day or night—as all modules are available around the clock. Even the freelancing work in Module 4 is designed to be flexible, accommodating your personal schedule by focusing on task completion rather than hourly commitments.

What certificate(s) will I receive upon completing this program?

We utilize well-known industry-approved online learning platforms that provide highly accepted professional programming certifications. The certificates that you earn will have those industry credentials on them, as well as QR codes that employers can use to verify them. More importantly, you will also earn elite certifications in Module 4 from AWS, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, and CompTIA.

What other remote careers would you recommend?

Software development, high-level consulting, and successful e-commerce ventures are among the most lucrative, with reliable income streams available in remote employment and online education. Freelance work and content creation are easy to start but may vary in income stability. This link may help you decide what path is best for you: Remote Jobs and Businesses.

Questions about the Modules

Is it possible to pick a different career from the Module 2 results?

Your chosen career paths do not need to align with your Module 2 outcomes, though it is advisable to contemplate the consequences. A mismatch may indicate that the learning process could be more challenging and potentially less fulfilling for your personality type, which might reduce the likelihood of job satisfaction in the long term.

Is it possible to pick multiple career paths (and would that cost extra)?

You may choose multiple career paths once you reach Module 3. Picking multiple career paths does NOT cost anything extra. However, it will likely require more time commitment.

How long does it take to complete the program and get a job?

It is a self paced program, so it depends on how much time you put into it. The first 3 modules can be completed in: 4-8 months at 1-3 hours per day (5-15 hours per week) or 2-4 months at 3-5 hours per day (15-25 hours per week) or 1-2 months at 6-10 hours per day (30-50 hours per week). Check out The Bootcamp Modules page for more information specific to each career path.

Can you provide more details about module 4?

Module 4 is designed to feel like a very easy transition from learning to working. It begins with some preparatory project work and then progresses into freelancing work and training for professional certifications. We think you'll find it to be quite amazing! Don't worry too much about how easy or difficult it is to find that freelancing work either, as that is part of our job - we do that part for you!

If I choose 2+ career paths, must I complete all of them?

You only need to complete one career path to complete Module 3. If you picked two or more career paths but have only finished one, we will not automatically move you to Module 4. Simply let us know when you wish to proceed to Module 4. However, as Module 4 requires complete focus, it is unlikely that you will have the ability to learn more material from Module 3 once you have progressed.

Do we have to job search for the freelance opportunities ourselves?

Freelancing is provided through our company, and our partner companies, in Module 4. You do not need to find the freelancing that is required in Module 4, it is part of our program. You are able to continue freelancing through our program for up to 24 months before proceeding to Module 5.

Is freelancing flexible enough to do while having a full-time job?

Indeed, freelancing in Module 4 can be undertaken on a part-time basis. The work is task-oriented with no urgent deadlines, allowing you to decide the number of hours you invest daily. We suggest a minimum commitment of 10 hours per week for Module 4; however, our program is designed to be completely self-paced and online, offering the utmost flexibility.

Is it possible to change career paths mid-way through Module 3?

Certainly, changing career paths is always an option. We highly recommend seeking mentorship to guide you on your chosen path. However, if you discover that your initial choice doesn't interest you and that mentorship hasn't helped, feel free to make a switch career paths by resending the career paths form at the end of Module 2 and we’ll set you up with the new one.

Do AWS, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, and CompTIA certs cost extra?

There are no additional fees for the professional certifications included in our setup during freelancing in module 4, as our partner programs absorb these costs for our students. Therefore, the expenses for these certifications are met through your freelancing project work without any extra charges.

Is there an extra cost if freelancing exceeds the 1-year program time?

The initial fee of $497 provides access to the software needed for training through Module 3. This software becomes non-essential from Module 4 onwards. Participants have one year to complete Module 3, after which they may continue in the program for an additional two years, if desired, without any further costs beyond the initial fee. Thus, the time freelancing is not an issue with the program cost.

Is full-time freelancing an option instead of seeking a full-time job?

Certainly, options such as freelancing, contracting, part-time, or full-time positions are available in Module 5. Initially, students or talent are introduced to employers via freelancing in Module 4. Subsequently, employers may offer students continued freelance work, contracts, part-time, or full-time positions after completing projects in Module 4. Thus, some students are offered jobs prior to Module 5.

Which career path(s) seem most desirable to employers?

We highly recommend pursuing Full-Stack development for its robust foundation in DevOps and its high desirability. AI/Machine Learning Engineers, Cybersecurity Specialists, and Full-Stack Developers are in strong demand globally. In contrast, roles such as Game Designers, Blockchain Engineers, and UI/UX Designers currently face lower demand.

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